February 01, 2013

Turkish Airlines: The Best Airline in Europe: LOL


Welcoming: 0/5

Food Temperature: 45/10

Ambiance / Music: 0/10

Menu Choice: 0/5

Food Taste: 0/30

Architecture / Interior: 0/10

Food presentation: 0/10

Service: 0/10

Value for money: Soon

As you might have noticed, this is the first time I use the chat phrase 'LOL'. Yes, unfortunately it's the first time because I simply couldn't find any other word to describe the situation and the actual feeling of wanting 'Laugh Out Loud' during the whole flight on-board Turkish Airlines back from Malaga to Turkey.
The best airline in Europe? Come on! At the airport, a big advertisement claims that this company is the best in Europe according to 18,5 million persons. Aha! 18,5 million Turks? Let's imagine a certain situation: if a company starts a competition with media advertising all over the country asking everyone to vote, traveler or not, and the winner will be offered an all expenses paid business class ticket to any destination he chooses worth $5,000... Will you go to a certain website and vote or not?
18,5 million persons voted Turkish Airlines number one in Europe? For what? Let me guess!
  • For its pink curtains on the planes, cabaret style?
  • Or its beautiful hostesses? Or their smiles that we never see?
  • Or maybe for the clean tables and chairs?
  • Or the unique food they offer?
  • Oh, maybe the screens installed on all planes specially the flights over four hours of time? Or the music channels for the time to pass quicker?
  • I think its for the welcoming Turkish staff who don't have the word "Smile" in their dictionary
  • Maybe for the plastic 1 litee Pepsi bottles they serve from and not the individual cans
  • I think maybe its for the cheap piece of paper they call a menu
  • Or any of the many other reasons that make an airline number one in anything...
Swiss air, Air France, British Airlines, Lufthansa, KLM were all taken into consideration before choosing the best? I'm sure not. I already published my first disappointment and here is the second. A couple of flights on an airline that is less than average: try it and good luck.
On today's flight menu:
  • Fried eggplant with tomato sauce
  • Turkish style minced beef and chicken breast with sautéed vegetables and rice
  • Cheese ravioli with tomato sauce, Parmesan and fried eggplants, cherry tomatoes
Great: An appetizer of fried eggplant, cheese and tomato sauce followed by ravioli with fried eggplant, cheese and tomato sauce. Very creative indeed.
Here comes all the professionalism of a premium airline:
The unpleasant hostess who was serving was shouting to propose: Meat or Pasta? Let me also remind you - no welcoming smile on her face. Let me tell you:
1- It's chicken and not meat
2- it's called Ravioli
She was throwing the trays on the tables as if they were dirty shoes, shouting for the drinks, given everything by hand and not placing them on the tablets. A simple disaster.
Afterwards, she passed by with the bread. A stainless steel tray that shouldn't leave the kitchen filled with nylon bags of bread pieces. Clamping one after the other and putting it in front of your face to grab...
I am 100% sure that if the vote is handled by a professional jury Middle East Airlines will surpass Turkish Airlines by far. If MEA would be number one, Turkish won't reach 7th place.
What a shame... What a lie... What a disaster. IATA, please do something about this false marketing campaign. Travelers of the world don't fall into this trap.
I chose the Ravioli and a French wine since you have the choice between a Turkish and a French one. The ravioli looks disgusting, the salad is not appetizing and the tray is too small. I didn't enjoy my lunch.
Finishing the service was another story. The same blond hostess, still shouting, asked us to give her the trays that were handled with disgust as carried each with plastic gloves.
This is the truth about Turkish Airlines. This trip was my reassurance that I would do anything I can to fly with Sky Team from now on.





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Turkish Airlines Experience: Surely not the Best in Europe as they Claim


The PrimeClass Lounge, Istanbul Airport (Closed)