Balancing Adventure and Mental Health: How Travelers Are Staying Mindful on the Road


March 03, 2025


Balancing Adventure and Mental Health: How Travelers Are Staying Mindful on the Road

Traveling is often seen as an escape—a chance to break free from the routines and stresses of daily life. For many, it’s an opportunity to explore new cultures, connect with nature, and…

March 03, 2025

Beyond Taste: How Thoughtful Eating Impacts Overall Well-Being


December 14, 2024


Beyond Taste: How Thoughtful Eating Impacts Overall Well-Being

Food is more than fuel — it’s a gateway to better living. While it’s tempting to focus solely on flavor, making mindful, informed dietary decisions has far-reaching effects on our…

December 14, 2024

A Holistic Approach to Pain Management: Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Explained


August 14, 2024


A Holistic Approach to Pain Management: Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Explained

Pain is a universal experience, affecting millions of people worldwide and often leading to a diminished quality of life. While conventional medicine typically focuses on treating the symptoms of…

August 14, 2024

Separating Fact from Fiction When it Comes to Wine's Health Benefits

Coffee, Wine & Drinks

July 25, 2024

Coffee, Wine & Drinks

Separating Fact from Fiction When it Comes to Wine's Health Benefits

A good glass of wine is a wonderful accompaniment to a great meal. However, there is debate about the health benefits of wine. Can moderate consumption of wine boost your health? It's wise to see…

July 25, 2024

From Flab to Fab: How to Transform Your Body for the Beach


May 11, 2024


From Flab to Fab: How to Transform Your Body for the Beach

Even if you can’t expect a miraculous transformation in just a couple of weeks, there are many ways to help you moisturize your skin, lose weight, alleviate gas, and speed up your metabolism.…

May 11, 2024

How Air Bike Can Improve Cardiovascular Health?


February 26, 2023


How Air Bike Can Improve Cardiovascular Health?

Any sort of exercise is beneficial to your health since it improves your cardiovascular fitness. Bike-based exercises have become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts due to their health…

February 26, 2023

The Crucial Role of Air Pollution Face Masks in Protecting Our Health


January 30, 2023


The Crucial Role of Air Pollution Face Masks in Protecting Our Health

Air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues facing the world today. It affects all aspects of society, from human health to the environment and the economy. Air pollution is caused…

January 30, 2023

Why You Need To Start Using Nutritional Yeast


January 10, 2023


Why You Need To Start Using Nutritional Yeast

Whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore, nutritional yeast is for everyone to enjoy. Find out why you need to start using nutritional yeast. You may or may not have heard about…

January 10, 2023

What Effect Do Your Food Practices Have on Your Feminine Health


December 01, 2022


What Effect Do Your Food Practices Have on Your Feminine Health

You would know that the food you consume plays a big role in maintaining your health. But, few people know that food choices can affect their vaginal health as well. The foods you eat daily can help…

December 01, 2022

The Nutritional Facts and Analysis of Soybean Oil


September 15, 2022


The Nutritional Facts and Analysis of Soybean Oil

The Nutritional Facts and Analysis of Soybean Oil Soybean oil is a commercial oil generated from extracting oil from the seeds of a soybean plant. It is one of the most preferred vegetable…

September 15, 2022

The Best Foods That Improve Muscle Recovery


May 19, 2022


The Best Foods That Improve Muscle Recovery

Many foods in the world help us maintain our bodies and improve their many functions. In fact, certain foods can even enhance our muscles’ ability to recover. The body has multiple functions…

May 19, 2022

3 Health Benefits of Eating Medium-Rare Steak


May 04, 2022


3 Health Benefits of Eating Medium-Rare Steak

There are several ways to eat steaks, and some are better than others. Take the time to learn about some of the health benefits of eating medium-rare steak now. According to professionals in the…

May 04, 2022

Reasons Why Carbs Are Essential for Your Health


February 03, 2022


Reasons Why Carbs Are Essential for Your Health

These five reasons why carbs are essential for your health prove that cutting them out entirely doesn’t help. In fact, it can end up making things worse. When one starts a new diet, they tend…

February 03, 2022

The Data Popular Health & Fitness Apps Have On You


May 02, 2021


The Data Popular Health & Fitness Apps Have On You

Which data could possibly be more personal than your health and fitness stats? In the age of the app, we’ve grown used to trading our privacy for free gadgets and magical phone

May 02, 2021

How A Healthcare Industry May Change in The Nearest 5 Years?


October 04, 2020


How A Healthcare Industry May Change in The Nearest 5 Years?

The entire healthcare industry is put to test right now. The COVID-19 pandemic affected all countries on Earth, and even though some of the first steps to fight it were efficient, now we experience…

October 04, 2020

Stay Home, Stay Safe: 12 Plants for Improving Your Health


April 25, 2020


Stay Home, Stay Safe: 12 Plants for Improving Your Health

From lavender to lemongrass, rosemary to aloe vera, plants can do wonders for our wellbeing, emotion and the environment around us. We’ve looked at our favourite outdoor and indoor plants…

April 25, 2020 | Popular

How Much Sugar are you Consuming? Pay Attention, It's an Addiction

Desserts & Sweets

December 19, 2019

Desserts & Sweets

How Much Sugar are you Consuming? Pay Attention, It's an Addiction

Sweet tooth? It could be far sweeter than you think, thanks to the increasing amount of sugar that manufacturers are quietly adding to our everyday foods.

December 19, 2019 | News

Why Vitamins Are so Important for Our Health (Infographic)


April 16, 2019


Why Vitamins Are so Important for Our Health (Infographic)

Health is often overlooked in our modern society. Many of us are so busy with our everyday routines that we don’t even care what we eat as long as it gets us through the day. Apart from eating…

April 16, 2019 | Spotted Stories

Share The Meal: The World’s First App Against Global Hunger


May 14, 2018


Share The Meal: The World’s First App Against Global Hunger

ShareTheMeal is an initiative of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger. Each year, WFP reaches 80 million people…

May 14, 2018 | Popular

Is it Safe to Make Desserts and Drinks out of Snow?

Desserts & Sweets

January 20, 2017

Desserts & Sweets

Is it Safe to Make Desserts and Drinks out of Snow?

Pinterest and Instagram are full of recipes that use snow—think snow cones, slushy cocktails, and DIY ice cream. And while frozen margaritas sure sound like an ideal way to make the best of a…

January 20, 2017 | Spotted Stories

World Diabetes Day 2016: Eyes on Diabetes


November 14, 2016


World Diabetes Day 2016: Eyes on Diabetes

Today, November 14 is World Diabetes Day. Let's join efforts together with @dialeb to raise diabetes awareness and prevent its complications. Test your blood glucose, know your number, and keep your…

November 14, 2016

Food for Thought: What Sugar Does to Your Body and Mind

Desserts & Sweets

September 18, 2016

Desserts & Sweets

Food for Thought: What Sugar Does to Your Body and Mind

We love sugar, don't we?  Let's get closer to the facts: How does sugar affect our body and mind...

September 18, 2016 | News

Pizza Boxes May Be Toxic


January 09, 2016


Pizza Boxes May Be Toxic

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a final rule banning three chemicals said to be toxic normally used in many pizza boxes and other food packaging. 

January 09, 2016

World Diabetes Day: Spread Awareness


November 14, 2015


World Diabetes Day: Spread Awareness

According to IDF Diabetes, "By 2040, over 640 million of us may be living with diabetes." That's a scary number... Today, November 14 is known as World Diabetes Day, an internationally recognized…

November 14, 2015

What 200 Calories Look Like on Christmas

Spotted Stories

December 23, 2014

Spotted Stories

What 200 Calories Look Like on Christmas

'Tis the season indeed, and eating is part of the whole celebration. To help you stay somehow fit check out Calorie counting mobile app Calorific, which helps people control food portion, sizes…

December 23, 2014

9 Incredible Benefits of Coffee

Coffee, Wine & Drinks

November 20, 2014

Coffee, Wine & Drinks

9 Incredible Benefits of Coffee

Coffee is such a staple in the American diet. From their a.m. wake-up call to their cup of decaf with dessert after dinner, Americans are drinking the stuff all day long. And while this miracle…

November 20, 2014

Breakfast at The Hoxton hotel, London

Breakfast & Coffee | London UK Europe


April 29, 2014

Breakfast & Coffee

Breakfast at The Hoxton hotel, London

We arrived in London and were staying at the Hoxton Hotel, situated in a busy neighborhood of the capital. The first impression was strange yet good at the same time, as you have to pass through a…

April 29, 2014 | Restaurants | London

Endulge in Some Guilt Free Kaak

Tasty Discoveries | Keserwan Lebanon Middle East


March 28, 2014

Tasty Discoveries

Endulge in Some Guilt Free Kaak

Chayeb... I think many of you already know them or have heard about them - A bakery specialized in whole wheat bread and Kaak. Chayeb has been known to provide Lebanon, specialized products…

March 28, 2014 | Keserwan

The Future of Dieting in Your Clothes


October 07, 2013


The Future of Dieting in Your Clothes

The future of dieting is being developed as you read. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are developing embedded within the clothing of individuals, which will take a snapshot of what…

October 07, 2013

25 Ridiculously Healthy Foods: Pile your Plate with these Nutrition Superstars

Spotted Stories

August 23, 2013

Spotted Stories

25 Ridiculously Healthy Foods: Pile your Plate with these Nutrition Superstars

The following healthy power foods can claim big bragging rights: They can fend off serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease; fortify your immune system; protect and smooth your skin;…

August 23, 2013

Popup Cake Shop - Not for the Sensitive Eyes - Ideas for Halloween


October 24, 2012


Popup Cake Shop - Not for the Sensitive Eyes - Ideas for Halloween

How far people would go to deliver a message. This is really gruesome, I agree, but it's made of food and it's a super idea in my opinion to attract people to see and learn more about the body…

October 24, 2012

Healthy Food for a Beautiful Smile


September 18, 2012


Healthy Food for a Beautiful Smile

Before my passion for food and photography, I remind you I am dentist. I am going to try as much as possible to get you information the relationship of food and your teeth. I read this great article…

September 18, 2012

Strawberries Can Protect You from UV Rays


August 08, 2012


Strawberries Can Protect You from UV Rays

Interesting article I read today - Not only are strawberries good to eat, but according to new studies, strawberry extract will help protect the skin from UV rays... 

August 08, 2012

High Fructose Intake in Men May Result in Higher Blood Pressure

Desserts & Sweets

August 02, 2012

Desserts & Sweets

High Fructose Intake in Men May Result in Higher Blood Pressure

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A diet high in Fructose found in sweetened soft drinks and junk food raises blood pressure among men, according to research.

August 02, 2012 | News

What Do You Know About Chocolate?

Desserts & Sweets

July 31, 2012

Desserts & Sweets

What Do You Know About Chocolate?

There are few foods that evoke as much passion as this decadent treat. Folklore from many cultures claimed that consuming chocolate instilled faith, health, strength, and sexual passion. Once an…

July 31, 2012 | News

Food and White Teeth 102: Apples


July 08, 2012


Food and White Teeth 102: Apples

I remind you, nothing can take the place of healthy care like brushing your teeth, flossing and so on. But like I said before, there are foods that help clean your teeth. Today I point the finger to…

July 08, 2012

Junk Food More Expensive than Healthy Food!


May 18, 2012


Junk Food More Expensive than Healthy Food!

This is something you must read. It seems eating junk food doesn't just make you gain weight and unhealthy its also more expensive...

May 18, 2012

Happy Earth Day 2012: Let's Make a Difference at Least on this Day!


April 21, 2012


Happy Earth Day 2012: Let's Make a Difference at Least on this Day!

Happy Weekend and Earth Day! In honor of Mother Nature's biggest day of the year, I'm going to try and consume less meat. I will try at least on Earth Day to refrain from eating any kind of meat to…

April 21, 2012

Interesting: Wheel of Nutrition

Food Gadgets

April 09, 2012

Food Gadgets

Interesting: Wheel of Nutrition

Are you eating right? I ha

April 09, 2012 | Spotted Stories

Hungry For Change: Your Health In Your Hands


March 27, 2012


Hungry For Change: Your Health In Your Hands

“This inspiring film has the power to transform your health!”

March 27, 2012

ABC Mall: No Smoking Rule Passed


February 25, 2012


ABC Mall: No Smoking Rule Passed

If  you're readi

February 25, 2012

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