We are happy to announce the launch of NoGarlicNoOnions' new website which has been redesigned to improve user friendliness and appeal, as well as offer our loyal customers an easy and more pleasurable navigation experience.
In addition to the crispy changes in design and layout made throughout the side, readers can now search extensively for their cravings with our newly developed and enhanced search engine.
We have added new sections in this version including a direct link to all our youtube videos including all the aired Meshwar episodes.
All sections have been better categorized and dissected to subsections to allow easier browsing... Example in the Food Reviews you will now find subsections that include street food, news discoveries ...
Every section is now color coded... From news to reviews, gadgets and more... All the sections can easily be recognized in a glimpse of a color.
You will also notice that all our images are bigger and crispier allowing our loyal readers to truly live the experience as they browse through the site.
The new website design allows for better and easier mobile navigation. NGNO has never been so mobile friendly.
NoGarlicNoOnions' 3.0 version is your restaurant, food and travel reference.
We hope you will enjoy our new site. If you have questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to email us on info@nogarlicnoonions.com