French Food
Restaurant Alexandre with Chef Michel Kayser: My Best Dining Experience to Date
It has been a tradition with my family to always try and find the best restaurants in a region we visit while on holiday. Spending our last vacation in the Camargues, France, an extensive search…
August 15, 2013
| Recommended
Breakfast & Coffee
Breakfast at Hotel L'Estelle en Camargue
Three nights at L'Estelle en Camargue were just enough to drain out all the stress away. Four days of relaxation and calmness, in an ambiance of peace and serenity. Every morning, my
July 05, 2013
| Restaurants
French Food
A French Cuisine Served at L'Estelle en Camargue Hotel
We checked into L'Estelle en Camargue very late, so there was not too much time to go and venture outside the hotel for some fine dining. We decided to try their restaurant. A restaurant
July 05, 2013
| Restaurants
French Food
La Mule Blanche: A Bad Bistro On So Many Levels
A scratching experience is all I can say about this so called restaurant! Located on one of the dirtiest cities I've ever experienced in France, La Mule Blanche is a bistro where you will definitely…
June 30, 2013
| Restaurants
Hotel L'Estelle en Camargue, Saintes Maries de la Mer
L'Estelle en Camargue, a hotel in the heart of a three hectare estate set in the wild Camargue countryside, is enhanced by its lake overlooking a superb swimming pool and a comfortable terrace where…