October 15, 2017

Greenpeace Solar Cooking Challenge: Can You Do It?

About Solar cookers:

Solar cookers utilize the simple principles of reflection, concentration, absorption, glazing, insulation and the greenhouse effect to produce heat. Various types of solar cookers exist, harnessing some of these principles. A box cooker cooks a meal in 2-3 hours depending on sunshine and quantity of food. A parabolic cooker cooks faster or higher quantities. A reflector of a diameter of 1,4m for instance boils 6 litres of water per hour.

About solar cooking:

Solar cookers use the simple principles of reflection, concentration, absorption, insulation and the greenhouse effect to produce heat. Solar cooking is the perfect way to cook outdoors, whether you are camping or during a power outage, or just in your own backyard having fun

Benefits of solar cooking:

  • Economic: The energy that comes from the sun is free and unlimited. No need to buy electricity, gas, fuel or even worse : wood and charcoal.
  • Environmental: Using the energy of the sun to cook reduces the need to use our planet's limited resources and doesn't increase global air pollution.
  • Health: Solar cooking doesn't produce fire, flames or smoke that can irritate lungs and eyes
  • Cooking: Solar cooking means slow cooking. Food cooked longer tends to become more tender and flavorful
  • Time: While using a solar cooker, food does not need to be constantly monitored. Therefore time is freed up to enjoy other activities.
  • Practical: Solar cookers are portable units that can be taken almost anywhere, from your backyard, to the beach and the top of a mountain.
  • Fun: Building a DIY solar cooker is a fun activity to do with friends and family

Solar Cooker

Manual: How to do it:


The hashtag you have to use are:

Let's help our planet!


Tags: Sun Green Heat
Categories: News Popular





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