May 23, 2021

The Most Delicious Food in Balkan you Need to Try

Blakan is one apsolutley extraordinary place on Earth. Here, you have everything. Maybe even too much of everything. People who live in these areas have a long and quite turbulent history, but they are still very friendly and incredibly welcoming. Because of that, the Balkan cuisine is something you simply must try no matter from which part of the world you come from. When in Balkan,be sure to go and explore not just our rich history, but also our delicious, deverse, strong and spicy food. For all the food lovers out there Balkan is the place to go!

Gibanica - traditional Serbian meal

First we have to start with a very old and traditional Serbian meal that every Serbian grandma has ever made. Gibanica is perfect for breakfast and we advise you to eat it with pekarski jogurt, then you will enjoy every bite. Gibanica is traditional pie, made out of bread, crispy pie crust and a lot of home made cheese. All of that is mixed and a touch of fault is adeed and there you go, you have a perfect Serbian meal.

Burek - the most famous balkan dish

The Turkish kingdom ruled the Balkans for 500 years, so it is no wonder that many great flavours, meals and ingredients came straight from the Turks and burek is one of them. Since then this popular breakfast food has been extremely popular in the entire Balkan and everyone who tastes it claims that it's pretty incredible.  In Niš  there is a contest for the best burek in the country, called Burekdžijada. Burek can be made with many different flavours. Some like it with meat, others with cheese and some like to eat it empty,  but many Bosninan people say that the only real burek out there is always made with meat.


Srpsko pečenje - roast pork

There is no pork like the one in western Serbia, especially in a town called Čačak.The traditional way of roasting means roasting pigs or lambs on a spit for several hours, under which the fire is ordered, specially from beech wood, which is of the highest quality. The meat is crispy, delicious and cut in small pieces. Eat it when it's warm, that's when it has the best taste. Whether it is lamb or pork, Serbian, traditional roasting has an extraordinary taste, but also appearance.

Kajmak - food made for Gods

Kajmak is used in or on many dishes in the Balkans and iz goes well with, basically, everything. The best way to try kajmak is to spread it across warm bread, like you would spread butter and melted cheese. Kajmak is a very common appetizer and itr frequently used in many great recipes. It is made from cow's or goat's milk and cheese. The best and most delicious kajmak is still made by hand, without technology and  other help. The texture of kajmak is very thick, but the flavour is marvellous.

Gomboce - traditional dessert in Vojvodina

Gomboce, more precisely old dumplings with warm plums, are a very tasty and sweet dessert, perfect for all those who like sweets. They are made from fruit, traditionally and most often from plums and potatoes. If you are not a fan of plums, you may use other fruits like strawberries or blueberries.Gomboce are not easy meal to prepare, it takes time, but are definitely very tasteful and popular even today.


This is our small list of the best and most popular dishes in the Balkans. Of course, in addition to these, the Balkans are proud of many other very tasty and traditional specialties. When you decide to visit the Balkan, be sure that you will be greeted here by a great atmosphere, cheerful hosts and delicious food. If you want to discover more great dishes, be sure to check out our blog about the best Balkan food.

Tags: Soubereg
Categories: News





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