Travel Around the World in Beit Chebab is a one of kind event which aims to introduce people to the cultures and traditions of different countries from around the world. St. Antoine’s Church Square, Beit Chabeb, will be hosting fourteen embassies, each of which will be representing their countries by exhibiting their culture and organizing workshops and live performances. Souk elAkel will also be there with matching food stands related to every culture exhibited.
Expect to have have fun, learn about new cultures and taste the flavors of different countries around the world, all in one spot. Participating countries include Lebanon, France, Japan, Ukraine, India, Brazil, Ghana, Greece, Switzerland, China, Ethiopia, Colombia, Russia and Mexico.
Organized by Scouts and Guides du Liban - Group St. Antoine Beit Chabeb Travel Around the World will be taking place in St. Antoine’s Church Square – Beit Chabeb on the 16th and 17th of August 2016 from 5:00pm till 12:00am.