July 10, 2012

La Chaine Des Rotisseurs

Origin and Inception

The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, an international gastronomic society, founded in Paris in 1950, traces its origins back to 1248. At that time, the French King Louis IX (later canonized as Saint Louis) wishing to thank the trades which had contributed to the construction of Sainte Chapelle, ordered the establishment of several professional guilds, one of which was the "Oyeurs" or goose roasters. The vocation of this guild was to improve the technical knowledge of its members: apprentices, tradesmen and masters. Over the decades its activities and privileges were expanded.

Renaissance of the ‘Confrérie des Rôtisseurs'

For more than four centuries the ‘Confrérie des Rôtisseur' cultivated and developed the culinary arts, meeting all the requirements of professionalism and quality demanded by the "Royal Table", until 1793 when the guild system was dissolved during the French Revolution. The Rôtisseurs were completely forgotten until 1950, when Dr. Auguste Bécart, the well-known journalists Jean Valby and Curnonsky (elected "Prince of the Gastronomes"), and chefs Louis Giraudon and Marcel Dorin revived the association and founded the "Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs".

Royal Charter and Naming of the "Rôtisseurs"

By 1509, during the reign of Louis XII, when the guild's knowledge was extended to include the preparation of other meats and poultry, including game, it took the name "Rôtisseurs" (roasters). Then in 1610, under the reign of Louis XIII, it was granted a Royal Charter and a Coat of Arms.
The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is an international gastronomic society founded in Paris in 1950. It is devoted to promoting fine dining and preserving the camaraderie and pleasures of the table.
The Chaîne is originally based on the traditions and practices of the old French royal guild of goose roasters - the goose, a type of poultry, was particularly appreciated during the Middle Ages. Its authority was gradually expanded to include the roasting of all poultry, meat and game. The written history of the guild of "Les Oyers" or "Goose Roasters" has been traced back to the year 1248. At that time King Louis IX, later to be Saint Louis, assigned Etienne Boileau, the Provost of Paris, with the task of bringing order into the organisation of trades and guilds, developing young apprentices and improving the technical knowledge of guild members. He gathered together the charters of more than 100 of these trades, among them the Goose Roasters. Over the years, the activities and privileges of the Goose Roasters Guild were extended to preparing and selling all kinds of meat, including poultry and venison.
The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs today is a truly international gastronomic association, dedicated to honouring the preservation of the traditions and practices of the old French guild in a completely contemporary and international context. The principal goal of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is to bring professional and non-professional, amateur members in over 80 member countries together to celebrate their passion for fine cuisines and wines and to aid and encourage the development of young chefs and sommeliers worldwide through its national and international competitions as well as provide international food support and aid to those in need.
I am proud to be a part of the Chaine Des Rotisseurs Bailliage of Lebanon
Categories: News





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