September 26, 2014

KitKat's Reaction to Apple’s #Bendgate Scandal

Over the net and beyond, you can't help but notice how several brands have responded to Apple’s #Bendgate scandal, but what has caught NGNO's attention was Kit Kat's reation which seems to have had the best response so far... with a tweet, that has attracted over 6000 retweets and counting.


Kit Kat posted a photo of their famous chocolate-covered wafer biscuit snapping neatly in two, with a simple caption that reads “We don’t bend, we #break”. The irony is that according the Adweek, KitKat is the name of the current version of Android—"and indeed, Google and Nestlé have been working under an extensive co-branding arrangement. So, it's extra awesome that it's KitKat punking Apple like this."

While also another one by Heineken beer seems interesting as if conforting the giants, "No Worries, this happens to us all the time..."



Several brands have responded to Apple’s #Bendgate scandal, but so far, Kit Kat seems to be leading with arguably the best response with this tweet, which has garnered 6,400 retweets and counting.

Kit Kat posted a photo of their famous chocolate-covered wafer biscuit snapping neatly in two, with a simple caption that reads “We don’t bend, we #break”.

It is cheeky and from what a user pointed out on Adweek, Kit Kat happens to be the name of the current version of Android.

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Categories: Spotted Stories





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