Believe me when I tell you that you will have to touch them to know that they are not real. Just by looking at them you will never tell the difference, I can assure you of that. Yes, replicas of real food meticulously created in an astonishing way. This company is one of the rare pioneers in replicating genuinely realistic food products in the world. This industry is known worldwide as “fake food”, “food replica”, “plastic food”, “artificial food”, etc. You are limited only by your imagination. The idea behind it's production can be beneficial. Everyone in the food business can use make use of them... Grocery chains, restaurant chains, marketing companies, museums, convenience stores, major retailers, food and equipment manufacturers, dieticians, training departments, quality assurance departments, television...
This innovation is for you. The details are impeccably real. A burger for example, is created layer after layer, from the bread, the tomato, potatoes, onion and cheese and not to forget the added sauces. An impressive piece of artwork that deserves a round of applause. You'll feel proud when you know that these creations are produced in Lebanon. One of the few companies in the world and the only one in Lebanon and the Middle East who can deliver anything you desire from small nuts to fast food bites to even traditional Lebanese homemade food and stews. Choose anything you desire and Replicalive Numed will deliver it in less than ten days time.
I was so excited about this concept that I asked them to create my logo, an actual onion and garlic. Let's see how it will turn out!