One of the reasons I love this brand is for their creativity. Such a simple yet smart idea that has create a big buzz of happiness... Duval Guillaume and Coke teamed up for a new "Happiness" stunt. They created a billboard made out of wrapping paper, then installed a number of them in shopping malls in Belgium. Passersby could tear off a piece as they walked in front of it -- saving them at least one trip to a stationary store. How cool is that!
As the brand that stands for “Open Happiness”, Coca-Cola believes there’s no better time to open happiness than with Christmas. But to open happiness… you need to wrap it first. That’s why we created a billboard made entirely of wrapping paper, allowing people passing by to tear off a piece of paper to wrap their presents. The iconic line “open happiness” is printed on this specially crafted wrapping paper, because nothing says it more like a present waiting to be opened.

News Fun Drink Coke Happy Coca Cola Paper Happiness cocacola adv impact stunts brand awareness Duval Guillaume