July 27, 2015

Act Wisely! Enough Garbage on Social Media!

I am honestly tired of seeing loads and even more loads of garbage bags on all my social media feeds…


I leave my house, drive around the country and see all the garbage bags on the side of the roads… I turn on my phone to check some mails and see what’s new happening and I see the same images again… What’s happening is unfair, what’s happening is a disaster… a disaster to mankind, to the environment, to our health … 

But I don’t think that posting pictures complaining will help, if anything it is making things worse… Spreading negativity and more so hanging all our dirty laundry for the world to see become discouraged to come…  

Mind you, I am not saying we should hide behind our finger and act as if nothing is happening… but we should act, follow some steps to decrease the garbage we individually produce on a daily basis… let’s post nice pictures of what Lebanon is… maybe turn the attention to something else that will put a smile on our faces… “Ahh ya, this is the Lebanon I know and love…” 

This is Lebanon, every week our attention is diverted to a specific problem and we dwell and dwell and blame the people we elect over and over again… don’t you see what they are trying to do? Keeping us busy while there are even bigger issues at hand… But no we should not let this happen…

It’s up to us to encourage people to keep coming… tourists to keep discovering the bright side of our Lebanon…  why give others the chance to make fun of us, see our weaknesses… and use them to their advantage…

Please let’s stop posting these images and focus on the good things our Lebanon is famed for… Our beautiful sunset for example?

Tags: Lebanon News
Categories: News





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